Bible Hour for Adults and Children
Pastor’s Class
Pastor Cardin teaches his class which meets in the Sunday School wing of the church. Adult’s and Teens are taught here. It’s a time when questions can be asked so the Bible can be understood a little better. We hope you will come, have some coffee and learn more about the Lord. Some of the topics we have studied have been Angels, Tools to Better Understand the Bible, How do we know what church to follow?,What does God say about our purpose and others. Our Sermons Section on our Home Page will have our Adult Bible Lessons we have studied in the past.
Children Class’s
In our children’s classes we have great teachers that do their best to make the story of the Bible come alive, if parents would like to sit in to make sure their children feel comfortable we understand. The Children love their classes and our great hope is to see them come to know the Lord in a personal way. Not only to teach them of stories of long ago but also help them realize the Lord is living today and able to help them in their lives. We hope you will allow us to teach your children the great truths of the God’s Wonderful story.
2-4 year old, 5-8 year olds and 9-12 year old Classes
On Wednesday night during the School Year we have classes for childrenand Service for Adults and teens – Church and Classes start at 7PM
The youngest class is the Pee Wee’s sailors equipted with hats and sashes. They hear adventure stories from the Bible, have crafts and learn songs that instill good character qualities into their lives.
Ages for Pew Wee’s is 3-6 years old
The older class – We have great leaders that are very creative when teaching the lesson to this challenging age.
The kids are excited and have embraced this fun way of learning God’s Biblical principles. The children learn Godly character through daily devotions, skits, singing, and reading God’s Word.
Ages of the older class on Wed. Night – 7-12 years
Choir and Musical Specials
Singing is part of worship to God our church loves to sing the old hymns but we espicially enjoy people using their talents to lift their voices in praise to the Lord. The choir over the years have put on wonderful Christmas and Easter Cantadas, play’s and specials. We are very blessed to have many talented people and know you will enjoy them as they sing to the Lord.